Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Self Segregation

You know what pisses me off? The idea of having a living learning community for LGBTQ (and the rest of the alphabet (don't even get me started on that)). I recently read in the school newspaper, (which I really should stop reading because it makes me angry every god damn time) that the Alphabet center and pride alliance were trying to push for this community.

This is the dumbest idea I have ever heard. You know what we really should be pushing for? Not separating ourselves. What this does is point out that we are different, that we are not equal to other people. You will never get equality if you can't integrate yourself in with other people, we will never get equality if we just give up on gaining acceptance and pointing out how we are different.

I understand trying to create a community where people feel safe to be who they are, but what is the point if you are only bringing into your community people that are the same as you? That doesn't create change. We need to go out and live comfortably with people that are different so that we can all learn that it is easier to get along and accept one another than we think

Everyone knows that we are different, it's what has caused so many problems. What we need to do is point out that we are all the same. Human.

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